Sunday 1 April 2012


Weighed myself this morning and the scale says I have gained 0.75 of a pound. Hmmmmm. Part of me hopes that it's water weight. Part of me thinks: this is what you get when you don't consistently log for 2 weeks.

So, in the spirit of my last post... I have definitely learned my lesson!

Anyway, in good news, today marks the 4th day of 'Back on the Wagon' with the logging and eating 100% right. I want to think that I will get there in the end even if I do hit some bumps in the road, but that can be a hard thought to believe. After this 2 week experiement, I am also even more majorly concerned about the maintenance stage (will talk about that another time) than I was before.

I do feel I need to switch my exercise up again and find some motivation there. I feel incredibly exhausted at the moment and I have been waking up every day with a headache. I have allergies that start about March and run through till maybe October or November. It's a battle to get them under control and right now they are barely under any semblance of control. Of course this impacts my exercise regime because there are some things that one really does not feel like doing when one has sinusitis

Here's my plan for the week - instead of challenges:

Log every day
No free day
Chart my weight daily to see what's going on!
As much exercise as I can manage

We'll see how that goes.

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