Monday 9 April 2012

Weigh-in - Met my first mini-goal!

It is with much amazement that I stepped on the scales to see not only had I lost, but I had also gone past my previous weight before the weight gain. My mindset had been that I felt I had either maintained at 166.5 or that I would have only gone down to my weight 3 weeks ago 165.75. Getting on the scales today, I saw: 164.5. I actually went and checked on another pair of scales because I doubted that it could be right. Apparently it is correct.

Now, I am not sure if part of the reason for this loss is that a few days ago I started taking Green Coffee Extract - I am not normally an advocate of such things, but I was given the opportunity to try them as a family member bought them. In a small study, some obese/overweight young people were given them and lost weight without changing diet. As I have changed diet - calorie counting - I thought this might help me a little to get over my plateau/hump, which from previous experience does seem to occur around 167-165. 

The result of all this is that I have met my first mini-goal - I shall be booking up a scalp, shoulder, back massage to 'reward' myself (I have a gift card for it). 

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