Sunday 6 January 2013


Yes, I am back.

I will weigh tomorrow. I have put some weight back on, but not all. I am still wearing my 'new' clothes size from last year's weight loss - which was about 2 sizes smaller than I was in January 2012. That I am still in my new clothes is good news, but I am not happy about having put any weight back on. Therefore, I am going to try a new approach.

This time around I am doing Intermittent Fasting (IF). There is plenty of information on the web about it, and there was a BBC Horizon documentary aired last year that looked at its benefits. These benefits are not just weight loss, but health related - better blood work for starters. I am all for health improvements.

So as of 6.10 p.m., I have stopped eating, and am going to allow 16 hours before my next ingestion of 'food/drink' aside from water or an unsweetened herbal tea. This means that tomorrow my total calories will be no more than 500. I am aiming to do this 5:2. So 5 days of normal eating, and 2 of the very low calorie eating with a fasting period. Fast/VLCD this week is on Monday, and will probably also include Friday. I have to pick non-busy/non-strenuous days.

I shall keep updating with stats, thoughts, measurements etc. The whole point of IF is to do it long term. Wish me luck!

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