Friday 11 January 2013

Intermittent Fast 2

I am mid-way through the 2nd cycle. Adding together my Intermittent Fast day and the subsequent calories over the 3 days since then and dividing it by the 4 days, I have a calorie average of 1350. I am quite happy with this as if I were calorie counting normally I would be aiming for between 1200 and 1400 per day.

Fasting itself is going okay, mainly because most of the fast takes place while I am asleep. I didn't find it quite so bad second time around, although I would not say it is particularly enjoyable either. I don't think I am a 'natural' faster - if such a person exists, which I am sure they do, as I seem to remember being around lots of women/girls who happily skipped meals seemingly without so much as a rumble of the tummy.

One thing I have noticed is that I really need to be prepared on a fast day. I need to have worked out an easy, satisfying and quick-to-prepare meal. When I have not eaten much for nearly 24 hours, I don't have the energy or willpower to be messing around with preparation. As soon as I get a sniff of the cooking, it needs to be ready within 30 minutes. I also am trialing this:

Cup of tea 16 hours after last meal/drink.
First meal at 12-ish. - between 150-200 calories.
Second meal at 5p.m.  - between 250-300 calories.
Whatever is left over from food becomes drink calories for milk in tea. Espressos are milk-less.
Plenty of water. 1 herbal or fruit tea at night on the fasting section.

Today I am aiming to eat around 500 calories. If I can eat less than 567, which is what I had last time, then I will be pleased.

I weighed last Monday, so I will weigh again then and cross my fingers that something has budged!

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