Thursday 16 February 2012

The Difference

I found the exercise of writing positive and negatives really interesting. It is good to get those thoughts and feelings out there; I tend to bottle them up. I found it hard to write positives. Now... that disturbs me somewhat!

Isn't that quite ridiculous? I want to lose weight. I want to be physically smaller. I want to be fitter. I want to be stronger. I want to be able to exercise easily. Yet, the negatives of doing so - of achieving those goals - actually seems to outweigh the positives. This is a revelation for me... perhaps this is why a lot of people don't want to embark on losing weight and getting fit and strong? Or why so many people embark on it and then fall off the wagon. I would have thought that seeing as losing weight and getting fit is so desireable I would actually find it very easy to write a long list of positives, but no... I had to think long and hard, whereas, the negatives were pouring out of me like there was no tomorrow!

I suppose part of this relates to me being stuck in a certain mindset and way of life. Any type of change, even a good one, seems challenging. The mind keeps wanting to revert back to your comfortable, old lifestyle of no restrictions. Also, following a new way of eating and lifestyle can often conflict with those around you (friends, family, even co-workers) who are used to you being a certain way (and weight!) and may not be overly supportive of the 'new you'.

Tomorrow I will be blogging about Social Foods.

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