Wednesday 29 February 2012

5 Months -> 5 Goals

Taken from:

1. March - Start doing some artwork and research hat making

2. April - Progress to longer TJ workouts

3. May - Incorporate walking my dog, at least 3 times a week, into my exercise regime

4. June - Create a timetable for life (LOL!); including: work (keeping my work a secret) 5 days out of 7, artwork/jewellery making, walking dog, exercising cardio&weights, writing. *all things I should be doing but am very random about actually knuckling down to*

5. July - Buy a hula hoop and get hooping

The above are my goals for the next five months. The month = the time I need to actually get the thing done by the end of and if I get it done/started earlier, then great... but at least now I have some concrete things to aim for. This takes me through till July 31st. Hopefully by that time, not only will I have implemented the above things into my life, but I will also have made great strides in reaching my body goals. 

Here's my reasons for choosing these goals:

1. Artwork & Hat Making - this is something I really need to get back into; it's very therapeutic. I have A LOT of art materials that are just sitting and wasting away... I should use them. I also want to research hat making as I have a lot of materials/fabrics and could probably make some hats for myself. 

2. TurboJam Workouts - I have been taking it slow, which is a big achievement for me (as normally I like to rush full pelt into everything with disasterous results). I feel that April would be a good time for me to move onto more challenging TJ workouts that are both more difficult and longer. Again I am going to aim for slowly, slowly, so I shall start with adding 1 longer workout into my weekly routine and build up from there.

3. Dog Walking - in my more active periods, I have been able to walk my dog pretty much 4-6 days out of 7. I want to work up to giving her more exercise and by this time of the year, it should be do-able. She's getting older, so she is not so bothered to walk necessarily every day, but 3 or 4 times a week for 20-40 minutes would be good. I will aim to do the dog walking on days I don't do cardio, as I probably wouldn't manage it otherwise.

4. Life Timetable - I really, really think I need to create some kind of schedule or timetable for my weeks. I am thinking that each week I will try and do this (building it around other engagements I have), as I just don't get the things done each week that I need to do. Partly this boils down to a lack of energy, but I also feel unstructured and this doesn't help me to be motivated. If I had some kind of structure to adhere to, I think I would be a lot more productive.

5. Hoop & Hooping - So I love, love, love bellydancing and I used to love hula hooping as a child. I figure that bellydancing and hooping have quite a bit in common. After watching some videos on YouTube, I can see that hooping is something I want to try. 

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