I am still calorie counting, but I am not sweating the small stuff. If I go slightly over, I won't be stressing out. Life is short and I think that when people calorie count/diet, exercise and invest themselves in a new way of life, it can become a bit of an obsession. My mum always says: everything in moderation and I think she is right. It's easy to become overly meticulous about food and exercise just like you might have previously been the complete opposite and not given a damn! Trying to find that balance or middle way or treading the middle path is very important. It's also very Buddhist.
So what do I think the 'middle way' or 'middle path' looks like:
- In tune with your body
- Intuitively eating (knowing what is right and wrong for you at any given moment - so listening to hunger, listening to cravings, listening to your body's needs for nutrition)
- Being okay with yourself at your current size
- Having the ability to 'let go' of things as they occur (not comfort eating in reaction to boredom, stress, upset)
- Not feeling guilt around food/eating
- Knowing that, no matter how long it takes, you will reach your destination
- Being okay with the fact that this process takes time
- Being peaceful around food, eating, weight, exercise and not feeling other people's pressure and stress about what you should or should not be eating/doing
I really enjoyed this one... Thanks for writing this.